Make money on internet!
At firs you need other e-mail address, that you are going to use for the paid e-mails.
You van receive yor money through e-Gold, Moneybookers, PayPal ext.
What you do:
At first you have to sign-up with the sponsors in Sponsors section. Try working with them for couple of days or a week, and if you think they are not enough sign up with others too. The more sponsors you sign up with more money you take, right? I know that you are aware of the sign up process, but when you enter your e-mail address and reply it, be carefull when you are pointing your interests. Sometimes they put 'I am a cheater' or 'Delete my account' there.
Every sponosor offers at least two ways for making money. The main ofcourse is by e-mails. When you receive an e-mail you have to click on the link in it, but sometimes there are a lot of links that are not paid, or a lot paid. The paid links are those with many digits or with your name in the end. The other way for making money is by clicking banners. They are in the section Paid by click in your account area. After you click on a banner or link in a e-mail you have to wait the time in your up left corner to expire.
More tips
Do not sign in more then once or you lill be deleted. Only one IP per account is allowed. Read the Terms.
If you want to earn more you don't have necessary to spend more time. You can recomend this to your friends and if they become your referals ( by clicking on your refferal link wich is in your Refferal center area and they have to paste it in the browser and enter the sponor's site through it ) When they sign up you will get part of their earning, and will lose nothing from that, Everything is paid from the sponsors. You can use other ways to get refferals - put ads in the ther paid-mail sites, or make your own site and submit it in every search engine you can, ext..
If you think you are ready to make money go to the sponsors and start do it! |